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Up To $803 Per Sale: How You Can Profit From The Best Affiliate Programs For Ecommerce

By Denis K.

How You Can Profit From The Best Affiliate Programs For Ecommerce

Looking for an easy start to the ecommerce industry? Let’s take a closer look at the  the best affiliate programs for ecommerce! Costing you $0 to join, they can be a great first step into your shiny online business future.

get store

Affiliate programs for ecommerce: what are these?

What affiliate programs for ecommerce are?

What’s the traditional way of marketing? You pay someone and they promote your goods – it’s a staple. But this work doesn’t guarantee conversions and customers coming to you – but you still pay no matter what! It may sound and be a bit daunting, especially when you paid for an ineffective campaign.

Good thing there’s affiliate marketing. What is it?

Basically, affiliate marketing means that one promotes someone else’s product and gets paid whenever a promotion turns into a sale.

Let’s assume I have a product (surfboards, for instance) and I want to sell it. Of course, my company has a marketing department looking for clients, but the more channels I use, the higher profit I enjoy. So how do I increase sales?

I’ll make a deal with you. If you recommend my product to your friends, acquaintances, or random people, I’ll pay you a reward.

For example, you live on the coast and go surfing almost every day. Furthermore, you have a blog about it, and a lot of people follow it. They know you. They trust you and your recommendations.

So I offer you to recommend my surfboards to your audience and give you an affiliate link. You place the link on your blog or other platform and tell people about my product. Those who got interested follow the link and get to the website of my company.

If they order a surfboard, your job is done, and I pay you, let’s say, 10% of the product’s price. And I keep doing it each time you bring me a customer.

Some affiliate programs for ecommerce use a pay-per-click model. Others pay you a percentage of the profit made by a client brought by you to the company. In any case, all models are based on affiliate links.

How do affiliate links work in affiliate programs for ecommerce?

Affiliate links aren’t just URLs that lead to a web page. First of all, every affiliate partner gets a unique link for this business purpose. This is how the company you’re dealing with understands that a certain client came from you and not someone else.

However, few people buy things right away. Often, they follow your link just to check out the website and the products you recommended, and leave after that. Still, they may return in a week or even in a month (by using a direct link) and purchase the product. So how do you prove that it was your customer?

Cookies! Well, cookie files, to be exact. Whenever someone clicks on your affiliate link, the link sends a cookie to the user’s computer. Even if the user leaves the website and returns days or weeks later, the cookie file will tell the website that this customer was originally sent here from your blog or social media page or whatever. That’s the proof!

Cookie files live for a certain period of time. The best affiliate programs for ecommerce use cookies with a 30 days duration or even those that don’t expire at all. This way, you can be sure that your affiliate program will not forget your efforts.

However, if the user changes his or her device, the program will not be able to identify the visitor as your client. There’s nothing you can do about it, but some programs also use customers’ emails to know for sure who sent them.

Now, let’s talk about the AliDropship affiliate program!

What’s so special about AliDropship affiliate program and what does it offer?

AliDropship affiliate program offers highly favorable terms to its participants: you can make up to $803 from each sale that happened with your help! Our Affiliate Support Team will guide you through all the steps. No worries if you don’t know something – we got your back! If you’re interested in making money by promoting winning dropshipping solutions for WordPress and WooCommerce community, here are our products you can advertise and the commissions you can get!

AliDropship products with 50% commission


This is the company’s core solution, a digital tool for WordPress that allows you to create an online store and dropship items from AliExpress. A WooCommerce version of this plugin is also available.


Social Rabbit Plugin

Another demanded plugin for online store owners who want to automatically fill their social networks’ feed with entertaining, educational, and promotional posts.

profitable online sotre_andy theme

These are professionally designed templates for the dropshipping stores built with AliDropship plugin. Thanks to these themes, AliDropship store owners can create beautiful profit-oriented websites with customer-oriented layouts.

Import Products from AliDropship

Each AliDropship user can personally import items directly from AliExpress and edit them later. But if doing it is too much trouble, it’s possible to access the database of the already edited products, import them, and start selling without any extra effort. All AliDropship plugin users can make 50 imports from this database for free and buy additional import packages if required.


If a client doesn’t want to deal with the creation of the store, and needs a ready-made solution that’ll bring them income – premium stores are just the find. AliDropship’s team has created dropshipping stores that are ready to start selling goods as soon as possible! It will have proven bestsellers in it, and advertising will be a breeze.

  • Marketing package for Premium Stores

Talking about the breeze of advertising, we can’t forget to mention a Marketing package that can go with the Premium Store. With this package, owners of Premium Stores will be able to run top-notch social media promo campaigns with pre-made ad copies! They’ll receive a thorough guide on how to set up and run your campaign, texts for campaigns, and descriptions of recommended target audiences. Marketing is not as intimidating as it seemed before!

AliDropship products with 30% commission


A designated team of AliDropship designers, developers, digital marketing experts and other specialists can build a fully functional online store at a client’s request and individually consider the customer’s personal requests.


There is an exciting range of additional services and tools that further enhance AliDropship users’ businesses.

Please note that affiliates DO NOT get commissions from the revenue of our clients’ dropshipping stores! The commissions are only applied to the offers listed above.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? But what if I tell you that it’s not a limit?

You can become an affiliate of Sellvia as well to earn even more money!

Why is Sellvia a good option for affiliate marketing?

Sellvia offers a game-changing product in the ecommerce world!


Built by a team of pro marketers and IT developers, it helps hundreds of merchants around the world to build and grow their businesses. Thanks to exclusive sales and discounts, every customer of yours will get a special treatment.

And of course, you will be assisted at every step of the process so that you can play this game like a pro! You’ll have an account manager and access to tips, content, and advice to succeed from day one.

Let’s take a look at their commissions, shall we?

Sellvia plans with 50% commission


It can be used to upgrade an already existing online store (up to 10 domains), or be a great option for those who just want to test the waters and see what Sellvia is. Either way, for 2 months of referral’s active subscription you’ll get $39.


It’s not just a subscription to Sellvia. Every Sellvia’s partner gets a FREE online store — a turnkey ecommerce business with full access to Sellvia’s features and marketing materials. You’ll get $199.50 for an annual subscription or 50% for the first two month of a monthly subcsription!

Sellvia services with 30% commission

Search engines are the first thing we use when we need to find something. And it’d be silly not to use them to a business’s advantage! With SEO Packages, a customer can have their entire online store optimized for long-term growth! And you can earn up to $299.70, depending on the plan.

Social media platforms are an irreplaceable part of our everyday lives. We find stuff on them, and oftentimes it’s the only type of media a person consumes. That means businesses MUST use such platforms to make their businesses grow and get attention. A team of SMM specialists from Sellvia can help with that easily. You, as an affiliate, can earn up to $179.70.

Help people get more exposure with this offer! Sellvia will give their businesses the attention they deserve with the help of promo articles, influencers, and other amazing things! Promoting this product can give you up to $897.00.

This tool won’t leave clients’ customers empty handed! Upselling, cross-selling, and hot discounts will make them buy more and more, while increasing sales and average order value for the seller!  Earn up to $119.70 per one referral!

Email marketing is an awesome tool that can not only draw customers’ attention to offers and deals, but to keep them loyal by making sure they keep up with a brand. It may appear intimidating if done manually by yourself, but Sellvia has taken care of it. Make your clients’ customers loyal and earn up to $179.70 as an affiliate.

What do you need to become an AliDropship and/or Sellvia affiliate?

If you’re interested in making money with any affiliate program, you need to register first:

You’ll fill an application form, specifying the way you’re going to promote the products. After that, you’ll be contacted to inform on whether the application is approved or there’s more information needed.

Once everything is approved, you’ll be able to start earning money!

But how to make sure you succeed? Take a look at these tips on getting higher revenue from affiliate marketing!

Tips on getting higher revenue from affiliate programs for ecommerce

Tips on getting higher revenue from affiliate programs for ecommerce

Feel free to follow these experience-based strategies to develop an efficient affiliate marketing strategy!

  1. Research your product

You can’t convince someone to buy a product unless you clearly understand its benefits and features. Knowing what it can do and what problems it can solve is essential for each step of your marketing campaign.

  1. Know your audience

Target audience is the other end of the issue. Whenever someone buys something, it’s not the item they want but rather a solution to their problem.

So, gather data and try to understand your audience, their problems and needs. Remember: if you get traffic but no sales, you’re probably attracting the wrong audience.

  1. Try different content types

Different types of content work well for different types of products. The problem is that you never know for sure what works and what doesn’t.

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Try this and that to see how efficient different methods are. In time, you’ll be able to focus on one or two best options. Same goes for promotion channels: try each of them to find the best.

  1. Develop a strategy

Even the best affiliate programs for ecommerce will bring you no money without efforts from your side. To build a successful affiliate business, you need to make up a step-by-step plan. This way, you can see what worked and what didn’t, what you should focus on and what resources it’ll take.

A successful affiliate business requires time and effort, but you can start with little to no budget. Many people regard it as a huge advantage. Besides, joining an affiliate program grants you useful experience you can later use for other projects.

Online business offers many opportunities not only to the entrepreneurs and customers, but also to the marketers. Affiliate marketing is an effective and profitable way of promotion that ensures that both sides are interested in the best results possible. If you have some following, or you’re just curious to try – don’t hesitate to! Joining affiliate programs for ecommerce won’t cost you a penny, but it can become a great source of income!

By Denis K.
Denis is a copywriter at AliDropship. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business as a specialist in advertising, he explores the rapidly changing and evolving digital marketing industry and feels committed to sharing his findings with a wider reader’s audience.
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GABRIEL EKON 5 years ago

This article was very useful. Thanks Timur, I really appreciate.

Mihai Dobre 5 years ago

Please explain how can you compete with the affiliates in Alidropship that they do this for years .. So an old one vs. the one who starts now 🙂 .. Internet is full of Alidropship 🙂 Best Regards

Timur Y. 5 years ago

Thanks for your question! The first way to beat the competition is your audience. If you already have subscribers on your blog or followers on social media, they’ll definitely support you!

If you don’t have a loyal audience –  the content is your power. If you’re producing quality content that meets audience’s interests and needs, you’ll be beyond all competition.

AniL s tank 5 years ago


Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!

Please, register here: – it’s free to join!

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