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13 Best Free WooCommerce Plugins That Upgrade Your Store

By Olga B.

13 Best Free WooCommerce Plugins

Managing your own online dropshipping business may be challenging unless you know what tools you can arm yourself with! In this article, we have collected the best free WooCommerce plugins that work for the benefit of WooCommerce store owners.

Online shopping market is constantly growing, and the competition is sharp. To gain the upper hand among online retailers, you should make your dropshipping store as user-friendly and functional as possible.

get store

It might be quite a challenging task…unless you use special tools that extend the functionality of your site and improve its performance. Various add-ons can provide stable organic traffic from socials, promote your products, improve page loading speed, stimulate purchases, and whatnot.

But there are thousands of plugins and add-ons available on How can you know what satisfies your needs in the best way? You hardly have enough time to try them one by one in order to find some gems in this pile.

The AliDropship team has eased the problem of this choice. Below, we will list out the best free WooCommerce plugins and extensions that can save you hours of routine work. Their unique features are really helpful for everyone who wants to boost sales of the WooCommerce dropshipping business. All of them are tested on our stores and fully compatible with AliDropship Woo plugin.

Best free WooCommerce plugins for ecommerce facilitation


Dokan is the top marketplace builder plugin for WordPress powered by WooCommerce. With over 20,000 active marketplaces around the world, now it’s moving forward to power up the community of entrepreneurs through more advanced features and functionalities. You can turn your single WooCommerce store into a multivendor marketplace using Dokan in minutes. It has a stylish and user-friendly dashboard. It also comes with the Easy Order and Shipping Management System.

Dokan made everything easy for anyone wants to start an ecommerce marketplace from creating a site to manage everything he/she could need to meet the success. Dokan offers dedicated store management for every vendor. So your vendor will be able to manage their stores on their own.

With Dokan, you can build a professional marketplace free of charge. The rich collection of Dokan’s extensions is fairly priced considering the feats they perform.

You can easily build a site like Amazon using Dokan and add countless vendors and brands. It’s a never-ending process. So your earning also will increase day by day. So now it’s time for you to make a decision and start your dream journey with Dokan!


DropshipMe - free WooCommerce plugin

DropshipMe plugin is a groundbreaking solution for AliExpress dropshipping. It makes the process of filling your WooCommerce dropshipping store with the best and promising products from the most reliable suppliers as easy as ABC.

This free WordPress plugin suits dropshippers’ needs when it comes to product sourcing. It allows importing thousands of carefully selected and manually edited AliExpress bestsellers to your store. You can easily search, choose and import the best items from the huge and ever-growing database with dozens of thousands top selling products and add them to your store in one click.

Pro dropshippers handpick products and edit their titles, descriptions, images, variants, etc. manually. So, you can save tons of time on niche/product research and editing and enjoy your perfectly pre-optimized product pages without tiresome manual work. Just select a category, import products in a couple of clicks and start selling. Besides, the plugin has other useful features – product ratings and reviews, recommended pricing markup, etc.

Yoast SEO

This plugin is a must for every eCommerce entrepreneur who takes care of SEO. It is created to enhance all necessary aspects of your store’s SEO – and we don’t need to explain why it is so important for eсommerce websites.

The plugin performs thorough content and SEO analysis allowing to create more SEO-friendly texts. Yoast SEO is great for working with focus keywords. It automatically checks if your articles and meta tags include your focus keyword. You can preview the snippet to look how the webpage will look in the search results.

With Yoast SEO you can optimize your site structure using the options of cornerstone content and internal linking features. You can also set canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content and forget about Google penalties.

The plugin can be integrated with Google Search Console with allows to control your online store performance in the search engines and fix crawl errors. Besides, it is possible to manage SEO roles if your colleagues need to have access to specific sections of the plugin.

Top free WooCommerce plugins to improve visitor engagement

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

How often do your customers add some products to their cart but leave the store without completing their orders? You can solve this annoying problem with the help of the Abandoned Cart plugin. It creates automatic scheduled email notifications that remind the customers to return to your store and confirm their orders.

With this WooCommerce plugin, your customers can recover their abandoned carts at the touch of a button. When the customer recovers the order, you will receive an email notification.

The plugin can capture abandoned cart even if the user did not log in. A guest user’s cart can be held on the Checkout page, if the site visitor has already entered the email address.

The plugin provides one default email template, and you can create your own unlimited customized email templates. You can define time intervals to send repeated notifications as well.

Pixel Caffeine

Pixel Caffeine was made to manage Facebook Pixel and Facebook Product Catalog, as well as to create highly tailored custom audiences on WordPress.

The plugin is installed instantly, and then, you can track conversions, create custom audiences for various parameters, manage your product catalogs – and do all this in just a few clicks! Try and see for yourself: this is one of the most useful free WooCommerce plugins for your store.

With Pixel Caffeine, you can create audiences based on standard/custom events, referring sources, categories/tags of content, specific URL and many other parameters.

The plugin includes Facebook Dynamic Ads with WooCommerce. This option automatically tracks visitors based on what they viewed – product name, category or tags, and then dynamically retarget them with advertisements on Facebook or Instagram.

The plugin generates and uploads product catalogs on FB really quickly. It can also constantly sync your catalog with FB. Using the plugin’s advanced filters, you can select particular items for your product catalog to be promoted. All these features make Pixel Caffeine one of the most useful marketing tools.

WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin

WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin

WooCommerce Wishlist is an effective instrument that can increase the amount of your site visitors and convert them into regular clients. More conversions mean more sales, and your profits shoot up. Let’s see how it works.

Quite often, site visitors cannot (or don’t want to) purchase a product at once. But if they have an opportunity to save some products that they like, it encourages them to return to your site and complete the purchase. When the customers can add products to Wishlist easily, it may motivate them to buy even more things than they previously planned.

There is also an option of sharing wishlists. It’s very convenient for users who would like to give their friends some ideas of a gift. Every time someone shares a Wishlist, you have new potential customers without any efforts!

Great free WooCommerce plugins to improve your store appearance and visitors’ trust


A picture is worth a thousand words, right? High quality pictures can stimulate your store visitors to buy products as they provide deeper understanding of how these products actually look like. And everyone knows how impressive the images of satisfied customers can be.

With the help of FooGallery, you can enjoy all benefits of impressive pictures.  Albums are built in and activated as an extension. You can add and manage your albums as well as galleries using a special menu item.

FooGallery supports higher quality thumbnails on retina displays. Now you can forget about blurry thumbnails and be sure that your thumbnails will look great on any device.

Social Icons

Social Icons WooCommerce plugin

This add-on is designed to display different popular social icons via widgets and shortcodes. It allows you to select and change the optimal social profile icons sizes and shapes. The plugin supports lots of the most popular social icon profiles – there are more than 200 icons at your disposal.

The add-on is easy to use: you can quickly sort your social icons by putting them into the appropriate order, drag the widget in your sidebars, and change the settings directly in the widget form. You can also use the shortcode and paste it on your page, post or wherever you like.

High-class free WooCommerce plugins to manage your email marketing

Easy WP SMTP Plugin

This plugin for WooCommerce provides delivery of emails to your audience and prevents them from going into spam or junk folder. It configures and sends all outgoing emails via a SMTP server and can be used with Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail SMTP servers.

The plugin allows connecting your WordPress store with a mail server to handle all outgoing emails. It looks like all emails come from your email account.

Easy WP SMTP has an option to enable debug logging to check if the emails go out successfully. It also provides an opportunity to specify a Reply-to email address.

Pepipost – free plugin for email marketing

Pepipost - free WooCommerce plugin for email marketing

Pepipost is one of the most popular email delivery services – and our favorite one. It is another free WooCommerce plugin designed for sending outgoing emails that helps to make sure your emails satisfy all filtering requirements.

All your email marketing efforts can fall flat if your emails go to spam or other unimportant folders. With Pepipost, your emails get right to your customers’ inbox. The plugin replaces the WordPress wp_mail function, using API integration to send emails from your WP installation.

Just enable your PHP-curl extension, go to the plugin settings page, set the Pepipost credentials, and select how your email will be sent – either through SMTP or API.

User-oriented free WooCommerce plugins for convenient store management

Advanced Access Manager

If you have a huge online store with several administrators, editors, authors, followers and other types of users, then you know how crucial it is to manage roles and capabilities. Advanced Access Manager is a powerful and flexible developer-oriented WooCommerce plugin for improving security and managing the access to the content of your WordPress site.

The plugin allows managing access to all types of the website content for different roles and users, define the default access to posts, pages, categories, etc. You can manage Backend Menu, Roles and Capabilities, temporary user accounts. Using the Backend Lockdown option, you can restrict access to the backend side of your online store for any role/user.

Such valuable features as 404 Redirect and Access Denied Redirect set the redirection area if the page does not exist or the access is denied.

If necessary, you can filter or replace parts of your content, define custom login and logout redirect for different roles or user, and all that. In other words, you can enjoy full control of your website.

Currency Switcher Plugin for WooCommerce

Currency Switcher Plugin for WooCommerce

This simple but useful extension has lots of features that are highly helpful for any international online store. For example, it updates currency exchange rates automatically. It can use the user’s IP or the chosen language to select the suitable currency. The original currency can be restores on checkout.

Prices in Currency Switcher for WooCommerce are set on per product basis. The extension provides the opportunity to place the currency switcher in different places and select various format options. Besides, you can add currency switcher as widget or as shortcodes.

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache is the number one WordPress caching plugin that speeds up and optimizes your WordPress online store. With WP Super Cache, your website will load faster as it will use fewer server resources.

The mechanism is the following: the plugin generates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress website. Your server will serve that file instead of processing the heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

The static HTML files will be served to the most part of your users (users who are not logged in, who have not left a comment on your blog or who have not viewed a password protected post, that amount to 99% of your site visitors). One cached file can be served thousands of times. Other visitors will get custom cached files according to the specifics of their visit. If they are logged in or have left comments, those details will be displayed and cached for them.

The plugin serves cached files in 3 ways with different speed. You can choose between editing PHP files and using simple mode. The latter is fast and very easy to set up.

WooCommerce dropshipping business owners have to solve lots of tasks every day. And it’s great that there are so many useful instruments that can save you countless hours of manual work. Try these free WooCommerce plugins and enjoy the precious time that you can spend more effectively and get higher income!

By Olga B.
Olga is a web application analyst, and she is an expert in dropshipping, our products, suppliers, stores and niches. She has a marketing and SEO background, and this experience helps her in product development.
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Mark 6 years ago

Is Yoast SEO + Woocommerce compatible with Social Rabbit?

Olga B. 6 years ago

Yes, it’s ok to use Yoast SEO + WooCommerce with Social Rabbit, these plugins are compatible.

Amit 6 years ago

Are these plugins work with custom stores developed by Alidropship team?

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

Yes, if they are developed using WooCommerce.

Amit 6 years ago

Who knows better than you guys if it is made using woocommerce or not? I am a customer not a developer

MM 6 years ago

A noob question plz … Does WordPress plugins work with WooCommerce??

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

All WooCommerce plugins are developed for WordPress, but not all WP plugins support WooCommerce.

Phurba 6 years ago

Where can I find the free integration link of woo commerce? Can you provide a link so that I can download and upgrade to this site. I already have word press Alidrop ship plugin customed website.

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

You can download WooCommerce here but bear in mind that you need to use AliDropship Woo plugin version if you want to use with WooCommerce.

Mr. Tebe 6 years ago

Thank you Olga for your great post, keep post articles like this one

Thank you

Olga B. 6 years ago

Thank you for your feedback!

Nadia 6 years ago

Olga, thanks for this post, it was exactly what I was looking for. Took your suggestions and have setup my shop now using a couple of the above plugins.
Since we operate in different countries WooCommerce Currency Switcher is a great find for me :).
Also I wanted to opt in for Abandoned cart Lite, but it was quite complicated for me therefore I went with this solution

Once more many thanks for your help!


Rick 5 years ago

Hey Yaros, I know this is not the forum, but I do not know where to post this. I noticed a fatal error with my plugin the other day and turns out that AliDropship is no longer available for PHP versions lower than 7.1. My server uses 7.0x and looks like there is no way of changing it for now.

Even WP adopted the lowest version as 5.6 or something alike. Why then AliDropship is not still supporting lower than v7.1??? That means that I no longer can use my plugin or that I will need to change servers, migrate all the stuff, etc. etc. It is like AliDropship simply abandoned users like me.

I am VERY comfortable with my server speed, flexibility, and all the other stuff. I’ve been with them for 10 years without a problem. So I do not see it as a problem with the server which might upgrade soon, but as a problem with your support that let me out until I can solve it myself.

Yaroslav Nevsky 5 years ago


We informed in November last year that

PHP 5.6/7.0 reached the end of its security support on December 3rd, 2017. Critical support will still be available through the end of 2018, but the PHP community no longer provides support for bugs or minor issues.

PHP 5.6/7.0 is terminated now and will be not supported in future.

salami emmanuel 5 years ago

can alidropship woo be used on multiple websites, and does it works with PHP 7.0 , i have 7.0 on my server, i will like to know before purchasing the plugin

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

AliDropship Woo only works with PHP 7.1, 7.2+. You can use 1 license on 1 website only: for every new domain, you need to purchase a new plugin.

ChukwuEbuka F Ikenga-Metuh 5 years ago

This is a great article for alidropship woo plugin. However, what I would like to know is if all these features are present in the alidropship plugin version without woocommerce. Or does the alidropship plugin have it’s own addons that provide the above features like abandoned cart, wishlist, similar items display, currency switcher, and other useful features that make eCommerce stores very engaging to use.

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

Please, look at these features of the original AliDropship plugin:
And here are our self-developed add-ons you can use to boost your original AliDropship store performance:

Sri Ngesti Bodrokusumo 4 years ago

Thanks. The article is very useful.
Always success.

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