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Ordering A Custom Dropshipping Store From AliDropship: Q&A Series #4

By Olga L.

a cover of the article on starting a dropshipping store

Considering the constant demand for a custom dropshipping store from AliDropship, we decided to devote a whole separate Q&A session to it. Enjoy!

1. What’s a custom dropshipping store?

In practice, it’s a ready-made dropshipping store that is created for you exclusively. The store is developed by the team of highly skilled designers, programmers, and other technical specialists.

Therefore, this is a wonderful solution for people who don’t know how to build a dropshipping store from scratch (or don’t want to waste their time on this). That’s why a huge part of AliDropship clients prefer ready-to-go solutions.

2. What does the whole process look like?

First of all, you place an order and make a payment.

PLEASE NOTE: you only make ONE payment to get an AliDropship custom store, with no recurring fees! While running a dropshipping store, your only ‘must-have’ regular fees will be the domain and hosting payments. These are necessary to keep your store ‘visible’ on the internet. So, even if they are already included in your Custom store purchase, you’ll need to renew your domain and hosting ‘subscriptions’ in a year to keep your store operational — you’re welcome to ask your personal manager to tell you more about that.

After that, a dedicated member of our project management team gets in touch with you. We assign a personal project manager who will guide you through all the steps of the work.

They give you access to a special questionnaire – that’s where you can write what you want your store to be like and monitor the progress of your store creation.

3. What will I get? What will the dropshipping store include?

When the development process is over, you get a customized online store adapted for your needs and wishes.

This store has a number of unique features you won’t find anywhere else:

  • At least 50 already imported products with professionally edited pictures and descriptions (the number depends on the package you choose)
  • Automatic updates of product information
  • Automatic price markup for any product groups
  • Professionally designed theme optimized for high conversions
  • Distinctive design elements (logo, header, icons, favicon, etc.)
  • Integrated promotional tools: discount coupons, emails for abandoned carts recovery, and subscribers lists for further interactions
  • All-in-one dashboard to monitor your sales, orders, stats, and activities
  • Integrated Google Analytics
  • Integrated payment gateways (2Checkout, Stripe, PayU, etc.) to accept payments with both PayPal and credit cards
  • On-site SEO and social networks accounts

For the Ultimate package, you will also be provided with our special social media promo tool. We install and set up the Social Rabbit plugin that will automatically promote your business on 4 top social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

4. Сustom dropshipping stores creation includes niche research. Can I choose my own niche?

Basically, you can choose ANY niche you like. It’s recommended to work in a niche you’re passionate about (or at least know quite well).

You will then need to evaluate the niche from the point of view of:

You can take a look at our exclusive ‘Niches and products’ blog section. There, we systematically post the results of our regular market research, and give you the most promising product ideas you can try in the upcoming season.

To check the commercial potential of the niche you’ve chosen, use our free niche research tool!

Yes, it is likely.

Every country has its own laws and legal requirements in terms of selling branded products. And all the holders of intellectual property rights have their own policy of dealing with such cases. You need to be really careful about your niche and product choice!

6. How do you choose and edit products for the website?

If you want to target a global audience with your online store, we can fill it with items from AliExpress as they can be shipped worldwide. This is the detailed instruction on choosing the nicest products that we follow!

In short, we evaluate the items from the point of view of:

  • Product rating
  • Number of orders
  • Sellers rating

If you want us to import products of a particular type or style, please, let us know before we start uploading products. You can attach some examples of products for each category.

We also have a guide on editing product pages. And we follow it with every AliExpress item we add to the stores. The basic rules are:

  • Only add high-quality pictures
  • Edit titles to make them short and clear
  • Rewrite product descriptions to make them informative and illustrative

And if you want to enjoy all the numerous benefits of fast shipping (such as more repeat purchases and higher customer satisfaction), there’s an alternative option. We can fill your store with awesome products from Sellvia! Kept in a California-based warehouse, they will reach your US buyers in 1-3 business days only — that’s a huge game-changer, right?

7. Do you have any guides on how to promote a dropshipping store?

You can use a range of our free educational resources:

8. Will there be a special payment gateway for my country?

Generally, we integrate PayPal and credit card payment options into our dropshipping stores. But there are more options to choose from: here you can find the full list!

Choose the payment gateway you like the most, and let us know which one it is. We will ask you to register with this system by yourself (as it asks for your personal data), and that’s it! As soon as you have a ready account within the payment gateway of your choice, we will integrate it into your store and make sure it works perfectly.

9. If I only have enough money to buy the Basic Package, can I upgrade it later?

Of course! If you can’t get the desired package right now, just start with getting the Basic one. Later on, as soon as you want, you can upgrade your store to the Advanced or Ultimate level.

For all these packages, we do the same work, but on a different scale. For example, the number of the items we add to a store is 50 for the Basic package, 100 for the Advanced package, and 200 for the Ultimate package. But it’s not the limit! You can always add more products yourself if necessary.

The same goes for all the extra services that only are available on the higher levels. Even if they are not included in the package you’re buying, you surely can ask us to add the necessary ones for an extra cost (or you can do it yourself if you wish).

Please note that the store theme choice doesn’t depend on the package you’re ordering! It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a Basic or an Ultimate store – you can anyway choose one theme out of the multiple options we offer.

10. If I buy your Ultimate Package, when I can start making money?

The package description says “This package is perfect for those who want a 100% hassle-free start and immediate profits”. So, what do we mean by immediate profits?

The day you receive your store is the day you can process your first order.

Everything is set up already, so you can drive in visitors and accept their payments IMMEDIATELY after getting the site from us. From the technical point of view, your store is fully ready for operation when we hand it over to you.

The only thing left for you to do is… start driving traffic to actually get your first sales!

As you imagine, we can’t predict how soon you will start getting income – it all depends on your own promotional efforts. But what we CAN do is share our marketing experience and knowledge with you! You are welcome to ask our digital marketing experts to help you out: choose any of the numerous marketing services and give your store a boost from day one!

Did we cover everything you wanted to know about buying a dropshipping store? Feel free to leave your questions in the comment section below!

By Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at AliDropship. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for dropshipping newcomers worldwide.
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Nisar Khan 7 years ago

Thank you for this article providing detail answers to many unclear matters related to dropshipping , if possible i would like to know who take responsibility and how matter is solved if any customer faces,
1) Quality problem with the product.
2) Late arrival & Customer dont need it anymore,
3) Lost product
4) Wrong product
will greatly appreciate if you can explain how is responsible in settling the matter , whats the procedure .
thanks for your help.
Regards / Nisar khan

yaros 7 years ago

Hi, if you client faces such issues you need to solve them with your AliExpress supplier. AliExpress has a good protection system with full money back guarantee. So, if your customer is not satisfied with a product and asking for refund you should dispute the purchase with AliExpress seller. If you are selling not expensive products your AliExpress suppliers usually refund you quickly without having to return the items because they don’t want the headache of disputes and receiving returns for relatively low value items. This enables you to give a full or partial refund to your customer through PayPal without them having returns either. The reputation of the wholesaler is rather exposed and they are willing to do anything to maintain their feedback rating.

Darrell Griffin 7 years ago

We have a Shopify website. Do you have a plugin that works with shipify?

yaros 7 years ago

Our plugin is based on WordPress, so you can’t use it on your Shopify store.

barry 7 years ago

you mentioned ultimate is ready to go for selling, but wouldnt the basic site be ready to go as well? set up for shipping and credit cards? and after 50 products are loaded into basic site, can’t we add more on our own and is the site setup to easily add other products from Ali Express ?

Also, do we get ongoing support after we purchase the site regardless of basic or ultimate?

yaros 7 years ago

Yes, once your basic package is completed you can start your business and generate sales right away. And of course you can easily add more products anytime. All support and future updates are provided for free.

v 7 years ago

if we add more products over 50 items, will we get additional charges ?

Yaroslav Nevsky 7 years ago

You don’t need to pay anything for adding more products to your store.

Magdalain 5 years ago

Where the buyer will send the payment,direct to me or to merchants?
Can i use my bank account in other country even im not staying there?

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!
The buyer sends the money to you, and you pay the merchant later.

Ramy khalaf 7 years ago


I’ve been thinking and asking a lot about the custom store because im totally new to this business and now that I read this Q&A #4,
I have some more questions:

1- when I order a custom store, will i get the alidropship plugin with it and can use it for another webstore ? I mean if my 1st store failed , what are the benefits that i can use from the custom store that can allow me to open a new one?

2- if I can only afford to buy the basic store will i be guided to easily add more items than the 50 that come with the package?

3- in your last question about the ultimate store you mentioned the following:

“Everything is set up already, so you can accept payments and process orders IMMEDIATELY after getting the site from us. From the technical point of view, your webstore is fully ready for operation when we hand it over to you.”

Does that mean that the basic store cannot accept payments and process orders IMMEDIATELY? I mean other than the social rabbit plugin and the advertising, what prevents the basic custom store from making immediate sales?

4- will I be guided to choose a good niche that works well? And after my store is up and running, do i have support to guide me and show me my gaps and mistakes to improve my sales?

Thanks for your patience


yaros 7 years ago

Hi Ramy. Thank you for your interest and questions!

1. Yes, you get the plugin itself and if you want to use it on another site in future we can just transfer your license to use on another domain. It’s free.

2. You can easily add more products anytime.

3. Once your basic package is completed you can also start your business and generate sales right away.

4. We are doing a niche research and try to select niches with a stable trend and good potential. We always share our own marketing strategies with our customers.

ANDREW GIOWEN 7 years ago

In the event my computer crash, do I loose everything? I mean do I loose my Dropshipping Store.
I am not really into IT so I will be buying an Ultimate package. I am sourcing funds and preparing myself for the Dropshipping Business.

yaros 7 years ago

You will not lose your site or any data in this case, since your website is stored on a hosting server, not your PC.

Chester Rejuso 7 years ago


I’m planning to avail the ultimate package. The problem is, I still haven’t desided what’s my niche is. Also, how am I going to choose the supplier? Are you going to refer me to the suppliers? Thanks

yaros 7 years ago


It’s not a problem that you have not decided about your niche. We always discuss the ideas with our clients before starting a project and do a deep niche research using special criteria

As for choosing suppliers, we recommend and focus only on those that have a good rating and are trusted.

Chester Rejuso 7 years ago

Thanks. One more thing, are you gonna give inputs on what to sell on my website or I will decide what will I sell? Sorry, I’m really lost at this. Until now, I haven’t decided what niche or products to focused on. Thanks again.

yaros 7 years ago

We discuss a niche and products together, define some interesting ideas and do a niche research before choosing what to sell.

Chester Rejuso 7 years ago


Bert 7 years ago

Thanks for this great info. But I just want to know if you have a step by step guide in creating Alidrop ship store. Thanks in advance

yaros 7 years ago

Please check our Guide

Mon 7 years ago

Hi, I need to know if you can make my own store with my own theme.
Thanks in advance

Larry 7 years ago

I am already planning to avail of the best package available but I still havr questions that need answers.

1. How many promotional video are you going to make? And also it’s average length.

2. Regarding social pages, are you going to create a new account? What’s included in it?

yaros 7 years ago

1. If you take Ultimate package you get one video on your home page. The length is about 2 minutes.
2. Yes, we create new accounts and design them according to your brand and style of your store.

Dayor 7 years ago

Thanks for the info, but i have 2 questions:

1. After the website is set up and handed over to me, can i add more products from another supplier or website other than Aliexpress?

2. In this droppshipping business, will i be contacting the manufacturer directly or from the retailers who list their goods on aliexpress?

Yaroslav Nevsky 7 years ago

1. Yes of course, you can any number of products from any suppliers.

2. You contact directly the AliExpress sellers.

Dayor 7 years ago

Hello Yaroslove, Thanks for your reply. But your reply to my first question seems to be any suppliers on aliexpress. Just to be sure you understand me, in my first question above, I mean can i add to my website (alidropship custom website handed to me) products from another seller, who is not on aliexpress? I mean seller from another website or company?

Another question is, can my own store be built with my own theme? or it has to be from the 3 themes you have.


Yaroslav Nevsky 7 years ago

Hello, yes you can add products from any other suppliers (not from AliExpress). Please check

There is no option to use your own theme.

Dayor 7 years ago

Thanks a lot

Georgina Langhor 6 years ago

If I buy a custom dropship store from you can I also add affiliate links to it like Amazon etc., and can I also sell other wholesalers website products apart from aliexpress.
Thankyou in advance

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

Hello, yes you can add any other products from other suppliers.

Georgina Langhor 6 years ago

Hi Yaroslav, Thank you for your previous reply. Also can I buy a custom made affiliate store from you with links to various suppliers such as Aliexpress and Amazon etc. Also if I buy a custom dropship store from you can I add affiliate links?

Kind regards
Georgina Langhor

Georgina Langhor 6 years ago

Hi Yaris, Also can I buy a custom made affiliate store from you with links to various suppliers such as Aliexpress and Amazon etc. With a gardening theme and as well if I buy from you a custom dropship store with pets clothing and accessories can I add affiliate links to it from various suppliers websites?

Georgina Langhor 6 years ago

Repeating my last message to you, do you custom build affiliate stores around a these with scope to add affiliates?
Kind regards
Georgina Langhor

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

we do not build affiliate stores, only dropshipping ones.

Sidi 6 years ago

Do i still need to purchase the plugin if I get the basic package custom store?

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

No, the plugin is included when you buy a package.

Jimmy Lim 6 years ago

Hi, I am from Malaysia, and I am completely new to this dropshipping business so please pardon my ignorant if I ask stupid questions.

I have some questions on payment gateways and currency conversion.

1) If I order a custom store and wish to promote the store primarily in Malaysia & Singapore, how is the currency setting be set, I mean, in MYR or SGD or will there be a drop-down selection of multiple currencies to choose from?

2) What about the currency conversion when ordering from suppliers and for setting the prices? I noticed most of the Aliexpress suppliers are billing in USD, will there be any currency conversion tools incorporated to automate the process?

3) I looked at your article on payment gateway but seems MYR currency isn’t a popular one, so will there be any issue to trade in MYR?

4) Do you have any example or article on Malaysian’s store for some enlightenment?

Thanks and regards,

Prasad 6 years ago

Can i sell adult toys using this alidrop website

Farhan 6 years ago

Please share you packages rate and can i start this in pakistan. Custom is apply if any one order me.

hope 6 years ago

Thank for the details information but you never mentioned the cost

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago
rageh masri 6 years ago

Hi dear
I want ask you if I bought one of the packages I must pay any more or it’s for year and the name of the dropship you will create or I Wil give you the name. And you will send me the guide how I will work on please send me more information.

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

Hello, there are no any extra charges after your site is completed. You need only pay for your domain and hosting each year. We share all our marketing strategies with our clients and provide necessary guides about how to manage and promote your dropshipping store.

Nat 5 years ago

The basic package comes with 50 products on the site can I add more products on my website as I grow?? Or am I limited to 50 products?

Yaroslav Nevsky 5 years ago

Yes, you can add any number of products yourself.

Andreea 5 years ago

Hello, i have a question about the invoice that the client receive for his order, do i have to send it to the client or the supplier has to send it?
And before i order a custom store do i have to make a company? And where is more appropriate, in my own country, which is Romania or in USA ?
Thank you

Lana 5 years ago

Hello, I would like to know what package offers private labeling for your store. I have a business already and I have the plugin and woocommerce wordpress website. how will you guys be able to private label my store?

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!
Unfortunately, AliDropship physically can’t do any private labelling: only a product manufacturer can do this, and our team doesn’t produce or distribute any items whatsoever.
So, you need to contact your AlIExpress suppliers via direct messages, and ask if they can make any brand-specific amendments to their packaging materials or the items themselves.

Bashir 5 years ago

I am looking forward to ordering my ready made store but I am still uneasy about ordering. It is my last savings .I love this drop shipping business.

Isaac Tamba 5 years ago

If I first purchase the advanced package and want to upgrade, will I have to pay the full price of the Ultimate package?

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

No, you will only need to pay the price difference. If you want to upgrade, simply contact our Support team at and they will arrange it for you.

Bappi 5 years ago

Hi… Please tell me which plugging do you includes to a custom store? Alidropship or something else? Another question, If I have no Credit Cards and Paypal than what ? Is there any Third Party who receive my payment by paypal or credit cards and transfer to my bank account ?

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

Yes, the plugin included into our custom stores is AliDropship plugin.
The best option for you is to get a credit card: without it, you won’t be able to process the incoming payments from your store clients.

stella 4 years ago

i had ordered a custom made alidropship store and i read here it says you only pay ONE TIME, no monthly and no yearly. then why was my store not online? one was created and one for me last year and this month its gone and cancelled. alidropship has taken it down or suspended my account. i want to know whats wrong.? thank you

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!
Probably, your hosting has expired: kindly email our support team members at so they could look into the issue.

Ashiq 4 years ago

Hi. Thanks for the above information.
I have two questions…
1) How much will it cost for basic package?
2) can we merge Oberlo to this basic package?
Thanks a lot

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
The Basic package costs $299 – you can read more about it here
Please note that Oberlo and AliDropship are not compatible.

Audrey Liew 4 years ago

I have a question, since i have no knowledge on how to do dropshipping or the technical aspect,
1. Is promotion also handled by the Alidropship Team or do I have to handle that?
2. Will there be reminder to renew the hosting yearly when it is due?
3. Are there any email template for after sale customer service, dispute and refund or auto respond email service?

Thank you for your patience. Total Newbie.

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
1) Promotion is the business owner’s responsibility, but you are welcome to use our free educational resources (blog articles, YouTube videos, guides) and even request paid promo services if necessary.
2) Please check it with your specific hosting provider.
3) AliDropship plugin goes with pre-made email templates, and you can edit them/add new ones at any moment if necessary.

Kinley Choki 4 years ago

Hi, Im confused about the webstore. do we get a proper website (say for example, pretty little thing) or is it just going to be a store within Aliexpress? thanks

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
A custom store is a separate, fully independent website outside of the AliExpress marketplace system.

Kamilah Davis 3 years ago

What about packaging for the products, are those customized as well? Are there packaging options?

Olga Lavrinovich 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
As we don’t provide products (we fill your custom store with AliExpress products only), we can’t tell anything about their packaging, shipping, etc.: you need to discuss it with your AliExpress supplier.

Tif wilson 3 years ago

Do you have to get a business name incorporated?

anouar 3 years ago

concernant la methode de shipping y a t il des durées courte dans ce pack?

Olga Lavrinovich 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
The items added to your custom store do NOT belong to AliDropship: they are provided by AliExpress sellers. To learn more about their shipping times and methods, kindly read this article:

Ideh 3 years ago

What about the currency conversion when ordering from suppliers and for setting the prices? I noticed most of the Aliexpress suppliers are billing in USD, will there be any currency conversion tools incorporated to automate the process?

Olga Lavrinovich 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
Yes, you can adjust the currency settings the way you need it (or ask for our assistance if needed): kindly read this article for more details –

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