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Top 7 Clever Home Based Business Ideas For Moms

By Alexandra B.


Do you want to get an additional source of income while on maternity leave? Here are the top 7 home based business ideas for moms. Even though they require low startup costs, they can help you achieve financial independence and maybe, even become a successful female entrepreneur!

Today, many women believe that maternity is a serious challenge that poses a threat to their careers and financial stability.

Sadly, their concerns are fully justified.

The study by the BEIS found that only across the UK, about 54,000 women lose their jobs due to pregnancy or maternity every year. Besides that, 28% of managers of small and medium-sized businesses said they have or would avoid hiring women if they had recently become married or if they have young children.

Thus, many women fall into a difficult situation. They have to choose between having a baby and retaining their job security, which is an absolutely heartbreaking choice to make.

This is the reason why nearly every woman nowadays is looking for an additional source of income that would help her collect the necessary funds before starting a family – and support her while she’s unable to return to the routine 9-to-5 job.

In this article, we’ve collected the top 7 home based business ideas for moms that have the greatest potential and help women feel more confident about their future.

#1 Blogging

Although this online business idea is as old as time, it’s still worth it.

First, writing blog posts won’t take you much time and money. To start blogging, you just need a computer, some basic software like MS Word or Notebook and a stable Internet access. That’s it.

Secondly, you can write and edit your blog posts at any time, which is very convenient for moms. Do you have some free time in the morning while your baby is sleeping? Great! Start writing! Do you need to take a break? OK, all your progress is maintained and you can continue writing whenever you’re ready.

If you have no idea what to blog about, I advise you to start writing about the topics you’re interested in and know a lot about. People like reading useful tips from experts, so think carefully about the knowledge you can share with your subscribers. Is it your highly specific hobby? Or a previous job experience and case studies? Or the education you’ve received?

If you’re just starting out, I advise you to write an article and forget about it for a few days. After that, open your post and read it several times. You should correct all the mistakes you see, remove the sentences or even paragraphs that seem irrelevant and write the ones that make your writing better.

Once your first blog posts are ready, you’ll need to create your own website or sign in one of the most popular platforms for bloggers and start placing your posts there. If your blog posts are really great, you’ll slowly win subscribers and earn your reputation as a writer.

It will give you a chance to get a great job in the future or to become a strong Internet influencer who has a large number of engaged followers. This, in turn, opens up new horizons for you, such as making money on advertising or offering training programmes for newcomers in blogging.

#2 Proofreading


If blogging isn’t the best solution for you, you can try another home based business idea for moms – proofreading. All you need is to read text written by someone and correct any mistakes you’ll find there.

As a rule, to start making money on proofreading, you must be good at word usage, spelling, and punctuation. Besides that, you should like paying close attention to detail and doing monotonous tasks day by day.

You’ll have more opportunities for development in this field if you can speak foreign languages well enough to proofread. These days, many local businesses try to enter a new foreign market and need a person who can write or proofread their marketing copies. Usually, the price for creating a marketing copy from scratch is much higher than for proofreading, so the employees of a company write texts on their own and hire a person who will correct all the errors in them. If they like your work, you’ll win a regular customer who really appreciates you.

#3 Dropshipping

The next home based business idea for moms is dropshipping.

In short, dropshipping is the type of retail business where you sell products that you actually don’t have. Although it sounds a bit tricky, this type of business is 100% legal and you won’t have any troubles when doing it.

Let’s look at how it actually works.

You create a WordPress website and look for reliable suppliers whose products you will sell to your customers.

Once the suppliers are found, you need to add their products to your website, edit pictures and think up great product descriptions.

Of course, if you do it manually, you’ll just kill your time. To add at least 100 products and make them more attractive to your customers, you’ll need about 20 hours! Given that, an average online store has more than 1000 items, you have a chance to stuck on creating your own one for more than half a year.

A solution?

Using AliDropship plugin, for example.

This tool allows you to easily add products in bulk and therefore, saves your time for more important things such as spending time with your baby.

Once the items are added to your store, you’ll need to put higher prices on them. The difference between your price and the original suppliers’ price will be your profit. For example, if your supplier offers an item for $1, you can sell it for $5. Thus, you easily earn $4.

When doing dropshipping business, you don’t need to store your products and spend your own money on delivery processes. This is the task of your suppliers. Thus, all the money you make is your net profit.

Actually, the success of this type of business mainly depends on the chosen niche. I advise you to think very carefully when selecting a niche because not all of them are profitable. So that you could easily make the right choice, we’ve created a great free service which will help you test and evaluate your niche potential.

If you want to learn more about the dropshipping business and all the opportunities it opens, feel free to read this detailed article.

#4 Videoblogging

Another way to become a successful stay-at-home mom entrepreneur is videoblogging.

This opportunity is perfect for those who have something to say but don’t like spending much time on writing.

Videoblogging requires more equipment than the usual blogging. You need at least a camera, a laptop, a microphone and some basic programmes for video editing. Besides that, you need a quiet place where you’ll be able to make your videos.

The sound of your video plays a key role when videoblogging. Even if your content is great and you can tell stories in a funny way, nobody will listen to you if the video has a poor sound quality.

If you don’t know what to start with, you can make video reviews of products that you regularly use. For example, many mothers start a video blogging career by reviewing clothing and hygiene products for their kids.

If this all goes as it should, you’ll become a YouTube influencer and will be able to make money on YouTube influencer marketing.

#5 Video production


If making a career in video blogging isn’t your choice, you can turn your attention to video production.

These days creating product videos, “how to” tutorials, live streams and webinars is a gold mine for content makers. According to statistics, 65% of people use Youtube to find solutions to their problems. Thus, if you can offer people quality content, which solves their problems, they will watch your videos. And you will make money on YouTube ads 🙂

To make great videos, you must have a vast knowledge of video production and special software to edit it.

However, don’t be upset if you aren’t a true professional capable of making great video content. Lots of people start with free tools which you also should give a try.

#6 Affiliate marketing

This business idea is great for those stay at home mom entrepreneurs who already have popular websites and want to get an additional source of income.

Affiliate marketing is a way of earning money by promoting other people’s products or services. Actually, this is all about passive income.

Here’s how affiliate marketing works.

You own a website which has a stable or constantly increasing traffic and an audience of loyal subscribers. You pick the companies which provide products or services you use in your daily or professional life, and register in the affiliate programs of these companies. Then, you share your personal experience on your website, and link to these solutions. To do this, you use your specific affiliate links, so that the companies could track the efficiency of your posts. When someone buys the product you’re promoting through your unique affiliate link, you receive your commission!

You are free to choose any company you like to register as an affiliate, but you’ll achieve the best results if you write about something you’ve personally used and experienced. This is how your stories will look more natural and trustworthy.

Although it seems tricky, this way of making money online really works. For example, in our blog, you can find a great affiliate marketing success story, where Eartha shares her experience in making money online. Feel free to read it, this story is really inspiring!

#7 Business or website consulting

If you run your own business or have an eCommerce store, for example, you can earn money when giving people professional advice.

Actually, there are many people who know nothing about running a business but try doing it. You can take advantage of it, consult newcomers and share your experience with them.

If you’re unsure of your strengths, you can start with giving people free advice or offering it at a low price. It helps you understand how people respond to you and your tips and develop a behavioral strategy.

If business consulting isn’t something that you want to do, I’m sure that there are many other fields you’re good at. Write a list of your skills and try to choose what areas you’re the most experienced.

Now you know the best home based business ideas for moms that you can start anytime and from anywhere. Try them if you want to become financially independent and open the door to a whole new world of possibilities.

By Alexandra B.
Alexandra is a content creator and a huge fan of blogging. She strongly believes in the power of words and likes writing in the casual and friendly tone.
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Danlami Shekwoduza 5 years ago

Thanks for this article! I really appreciate it and I’m interested in this business that has garanthy in any aspect!
My question is, I’m Nigerian in Nigeria. What are the requirements that can qualify me to be a successful Drop shipper and also need your advice on this business base on my location please. thanks very much for your help!.

Alexandra B. 5 years ago

Hello! Thank you for your question!

If you live in Nigeria and want to start a dropshipping business, first of all, I advise you to look through the following article: It contains lots of useful information.

Besides that, if you have no previous experience in e-commerce and digital marketing, I advise you to buy a ready custom store. You’ll get a dropshipping store created by professionals and you’ll be able to start selling right after we deliver the store to you.

To learn more about our custom stores, feel free to visit this page:

Hope this helps.

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