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How To Start A YouTube Channel For Your Business

By Artyom K.

how to start a YouTube channel

Do you want to promote your business? Are you interested in how to make the most of it? Do you look for the ways of opening new horizons for it? In this case, you should know how to start a YouTube channel for you business!

We think it would be challenging to find a person who has never watched a single video on YouTube. This social media platform is extremely popular among both young and older people, men and women, Europeans and Americans, etc. They watch YouTube everyday. So, why not create a YouTube channel and start benefit from it?

From this article you will learn why you need to think of starting a YouTube channel, how to do this, and what you can count on as a result. That’s why, if you want to push your business forward, this is high time to start!

Why is it necessary to start a YouTube channel for your business?

how to create a youtube channel

In the world of marketing there is a trend to create a YouTube channel for business. And it doesn’t matter whether we speak about small or large companies. So let’s find out why they do this and how it works.

When people want to buy something, they need to see it in real life. However, in some cases they don’t have an opportunity to go to the store and hold the item in their hands.

Perhaps they live far away from the stores. Maybe they can’t even leave their homes due to a number of reasons. Or they just deal with an online store.

When speaking about online stores, it’s extremely important to create a YouTube channels for them. This is due to the fact that people have no opportunity to see and evaluate a product they want to buy.

That’s why it’s a great idea to demonstrate the products you sell on your YouTube channel. By means of this marketing tool you can not only show the benefits of your goods, but also tell them about how to use them in a right way, etc.  So, let’s consider creating a YouTube channel in detail.

How can we benefit from creating a YouTube channel?

#1 Growth of brand recognition

First of all, due to a YouTube channel you can increase your brand recognition. This is essential for new brands because few people heard about them, and they need promotion.

However if you create a YouTube account and start telling Internet users about your products, next time they’re highly likely to remember you and make a purchase from your online store since they have already seen you, the products you sell, etc.

#2 Increase of loyalty

If you’re an online store owner, loyalty increasing is a key detail for you. Pay attention to that if you want to multiply the number of your clients. What should you do for this?

So try to use your YouTube channel to show the products you sell, how your customer service works, and why it’s better to purchase from you, etc. In other words, discuss the very aspects your customers are concerned about.

Don’t forget that people are used to believe other people, not texts and images. So establish emotional contact with your target audience, and people will be more likely to come back to your online store again and again.

#3 Boost of conversion

As a result of increasing brand recognition and customer loyalty, you’re highly likely to get a higher level of conversion, CTR, etc., because it’s a lot easier for Internet users to see your products and decide to buy from you. That’s why do your best to inform you clients properly, meet their expectations, ask for feedback. In that case, you will have every chance to conquer the market.

So creating a YouTube channel allows you significantly improve your business performance and establish emotional contact between your brand account and customers. Due to your YouTube account, you can make people have the right impression about your brand.

Sounds tempting? So it is!

And now let’s find out what you should do to create a YouTube channel.

How to start a YouTube channel for your business: preparation

create youtube channel

Before you go to YouTube and click create a YouTube channel, you should consider several crucial aspects and answer a number of issues. The main point here is to consider the concept of your channel.

Certainly, you can change it along the way. However we don’t recommend you get carried away by unimportant things. Define the direction of your channel!

So what are your workout goals?

  • Growth of traffic to your online store
  • Increase in sales
  • Obtaining new customers
  • Increase customer loyalty

And so on and so forth. There are lots of different goals to set, but you must choose the primary ones. In that case, you will be able to track the efficiency of your channel.

What else should you do for creating a YouTube channel?

  • Define your target audience

Ask yourself, who will watch your channel and buy your products?

This is really important because if you target the wrong people, all your efforts will go out the window.

So define the following parameters of your target audience:

– Age

– Sex

– Location and language

– Temper, mindset, worldview, etc.

Then, don’t forget that each brand has a mission. You may learn more about brand mission in our recent article. In short, you should imagine which problems your potential customers have and do your best to help them in solving these problems. And video content is also created for this very purpose!

  • Choose priority content

Even if you create a YouTube channel for brand promotion, it doesn’t mean that the content should be focused on your products only. Don’t forget to entertain and educate your target audience.

For example, if you sell products for pets, try to show people different cats, dogs, etc. Tell them about exciting stories about them.

If you sell clothes, tell them what goes best with what.

If you deal with some spare parts, tell them to to install these parts.

Otherwise, all of your YouTube videos will be treated as annoying advertising.

By the way, the same products can be promoted differently. You may demonstrate a LED dog collar and say that it’s great. Or you may promote it by means of a storytelling. Tell your followers that this dog collar contributed greatly when people were searching for their dog on the street, etc.

Well, this is it with preparation. It means that it’s high time to start a YouTube channel!

How to start a YouTube channel for your business: a step-by-step guide

how to start a youtube channel

So how to create a YouTube account for your business? Is it challenging? Let’s find it out!

If you want to use YouTube for business and create a new channel on YouTube, you need to walk through several stages. Here they are!

1. First and foremost, you need to create a Google account. This process is as simple as possible.

sign up google account

Click here, enter your data, and voila.

In case you already have a Google account, go to step two.

2. Then, we move to the process of creating a YouTube channel. To that end, log in to Google account and go to YouTube. Сlick your profile photo In the upper right corner , and then, ‘create your channel’.

create account on youtube

After that, you get on page where it’s necessary to upload your photo and write a description for your channel. Please, keep in mind that the length of your channel description is limited. What is more, initially people will see only the first 250 symbols of your description. The rest will be available only when they click ‘Read more’.

how to start a youtube account

By the way, when you scroll down, you will have an opportunity to add links to your social networks and your website.

add links to your youtube channel

Then click ‘Save and continue’, and that’s it!

You have started a YouTube channel!

However, take it easy. A long process of customization and content filling lays ahead. Let’s go further.

3. After you have created a YouTube channel, you will be redirected to your channel page.

customize youtube channel

Great! This is your channel!

In the upper right corner there is ‘Customize channel’ button. When you click it, you go to the page of channel customization.

add channel art on youtube

Here you can click ‘Add channel art’ and there will be a cover on your channel page.

how to make channel art on youtube

Click ‘Select a photo from your computer’ and upload your cover!

By the way, if you have no idea on how to create such a channel art, you may click ‘How to create channel art’ at the bottom of the page.

4. Then, we recommend you fit your channel out.

First of all, you need to create a preview. This is a short but informative video which tells YouTube users which content you post, which goals you set, etc.

dropshipping youtube

As a result, your YouTube channel will look like this one above.

And yes, AliDropship also has a YouTube channel!

There are lots of interesting video content which is permanently updated. So if you want to catch useful information for running a business in ecommerce, click here and subscribe!

5. Now let’s talk about what else you can customize on your YouTube channel.

Open your channel page, scroll down, and click channel settings at the bottom of the page.

how to start youtube channel

Then you’re redirected to the following page.

how easily start youtube channel

Here we are interested in ‘Advanced settings’.

how change channel url

On this page we are able to change User ID, Channel ID, get custom URL, and even delete your channel. This page allows us to customize your YouTube channel at any time. It means that you may even change your channel concept whenever you want.

So if you didn’t initially account for anything, don’t worry about that! You can always fix this!

6. Keep track of your followers’ activity

Certainly, in the first instance, you need to track your followers’ activity on your chanel. To that end, you need to click ‘Notifications’ on the left. Then, you will be redirected to the next page.

how track channel activity

Why these mentions are important to you?

When you just started a YouTube channel, you have lots of things to improve. It’s really difficult to create a channel strategy on the first try. That’s why you should listen to your audience, read the comments they leave, take these mentions into consideration. In that case, it will be a lot easier for you to make your channel more popular!

How to start a YouTube channel for your business: what’s next?

promote on youtube

Actually, the process of creating and customizing your YouTube channel is finished. And since this moment you can upload video content to your channel page.

Do you expect us to give you several tips on how to use your YouTube channel in a right way?

So, here they are!

First of all, try to pay as much attention to your content as possible. The more interesting it is and the better it’s presented, the more people will be eager to visit your channel and watch your videos. And the best way to check whether your content is neat enough is to answer if you want to watch it yourself!

BTW, it would be great if you create intro. This is an introductory part of your videos. Don’t forget about an end screen. It gives people an opportunity to move to other videos and subscribe to your channel.

Then, focus on your playlists. You need to group your videos. It’s very important because you can make people move from one video to another and stay on your channel!

Don’t forget that your YouTube channel also needs promotion. It would be challenging to boost it if you don’t advertise it. So all you need is to remind users in all of your social networks and on your website you also create video content for them!

In sum

promotion on youtube

Nowadays video content is extremely popular. It’s a lot easier for people to watch a video rather than read something.

Since you’re a business owner, you need to take advantage of that! Create high-quality video content, educate and entertain your target audience, and make the most of your account on YouTube! This is your YouTube account which can become a key instrument for attracting potential customers!

Here is AliDropship and its step-by-step guide on how to create a YouTube channel for your business. We wish you only top content, huge and thankful audience, and let your business expand each passing day!

By Artyom K.
Artyom is a senior copywriter at AliDropship. Having received a BA degree in International Communication and MA degree in Advertising, he started his career working in a multinational petrochemical enterprise as a marketing specialist. To date, for a number of years, Artyom has been sharing the latest ecommerce trends with you, creating guides on how to start an online business from scratch, and keeping you updated on new IT solutions that help you optimize your venture.
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Jocelyn Palma 4 years ago

Hi i would like to ask if which is the best pa jage to start my business… is it Custom “Ultimate or Premium ? And thus premium includes youtube? Please give advice i want to get my store soon

Artyom K. 4 years ago

Hello, thank you for the interest!
Please read this article, it explains the difference between online stores from AliDropship –
If you want to start your business, feel free to go to this page and choose the option you like more or get free consultation –

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