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Supporting Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic: Finding Balance In 2020

By Laurence L.

Supporting Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic: Finding Balance In 2020

How have you been holding up this year? Today, let’s talk about supporting our mental health during COVID-19 pandemic. We believe it’s an essential topic to discuss with our dropshipping community!

Disclaimer: these grounding techniques cannot and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Kindly contact a licensed therapist if you feel your mental health needs professional help.

2020 has been a curveball for all of us, an unpredictable roller coaster that started at a peak in January and unfortunately has just been plummeting downhill since March. The effects of COVID-19 continue to affect our everyday lives. Many people are still working from home, large social gatherings are limited, and thousands of students keep learning remotely. And although life has resumed to some normalcy in parts of the world, economies have tanked, case numbers are rising again in some countries, millions worldwide are out of a job (especially in the United States), and the spirit, morale, and mental health of people in general is in danger.

How can we overcome something that isn’t even near its tail end? Here are several strategies you can follow to adapt and adjust to the new environment, and find balance.

6 ways to take care of your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic

Start journaling

Journaling as a way to support your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic

What? A journal? Didn’t those things die in the late 90s? Maybe, but listen — writing down your daily thoughts and feelings can help, at least according to Journaling is a great way to see your goals, realize your thoughts and ideas, and help anticipate and plan events — which in turn can lower your stress and anxiety. For a year as wild as 2020, journaling will also help you look back on this crazy year someday in the future and see where you were then and where you are now.

Take online classes

Online learning as a way to support your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic

A popular pastime among young professionals and curious homemakers alike, take to the Internet to learn something new. In the year of lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, many have turned to online learning to better their professional skill set, fitness game, or home-cooking skills. Popular destinations such as Skillshare, YouTube, and Coursera have become go-tos for learning at home — from coding to how to bake the perfect porkchop to how to sew — everything is online. Note many institutions provide free trials that eventually require a membership. But paid or free, there’s no better way to make downtime productive time than with learning something new online.

Clean up your closet

Cleaning up your closet as a way to find balance in 2020

Yes, that dreaded chore your mom always told you to do growing up is something we suggest you start doing. And there’s a good reason (besides cleaning up your space): Psychology Today states that decluttering has been shown to boost levels of confidence and energy while lowering anxiety. When you tackle clutter, you are also freeing up your space for other storage or decor possibilities, which can open up the mental space for creativity. It’s like a physical-mirrors-mental kind of thing, and a great way to find mental balance in 2020.

Count your successes

Counting your successes as a way to find balance in 2020

In a global pandemic with unnerving news everyday, it can be hard to stay positive about the future. So go back to basics and make the little things count. For example, did you manage to knock out most of your assignments at work for the day? Did you have a meaningful Zoom one-and-one with your boss? Or did you actually complete that 10-minute workout today? Folded your laundry finally? It’s all about putting the small accomplishments into perspective and marking the smallest of victories. This over time can help you feel a sense of progress and accomplishment, which can in turn help you feel better in control of things despite what’s going on in the world.

Give in to self-care

Giving in to self-care as a way to find balance in 2020

In a time where emotions and moods can change day by day, we can only be beside ourselves at the end of the day. With the ever-changing demands of remote work, house chores, errands, and financial stresses, you can feel worn-out and defeated sometimes. That’s why we advocate self-care, which can be great for mental health. From a weekly face mask to soothe your skin to a daily meditation in the morning to find your zen, take time to care for yourself. Do something that makes you happy. Take an extra 30 minutes for lunch. Treat yourself to that Starbucks if you’re out running errands. Make the little things count to feel better about yourself and your day.

Connect regularly with family and friends

Connecting with family and friends as a way to support your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic

You may already be doing this, but do it regularly. Facetime your parents. Check in on your friend you still keep in touch with from your last job. Schedule dinner with some friends at a place where outdoor dining is available. Or plan to watch a Netflix show together through Facetime with your bestie. All of us have been limited in our social lives in some way due to the pandemic this year, but you can still find mental wellness in 2020 with regular interaction with loved ones.

With some patience and determination, you (and all of us) can make this rocky year a bit better. You can be more productive with your downtime to better your skills or mindset or use it to connect with friends or take time for yourself. It’s hard to be living through a pandemic, but you can always find ways to achieve a better sense of “normal.” We hope these tips can help uplift your spirits and help you find a better mental balance during this time.

Supporting your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic: final takeaways

This year hasn’t been easy on anyone. There’s a lot of stress financially and emotionally for a lot of people. Sometimes, it just seems like you can’t be in control of everything.

Still, there are numerous proven techniques to find mental balance in 2020! Whether it’s bettering yourself through online classes or documenting your thoughts everyday or taking an extra 10 minutes for yourself to relax everyday, there are ways for everyone to stay sane during this rocky pandemic. Let us know what’s working best for you personally in the comments section below!

By Laurence L.
Laurence is a copywriter and editor at AliDropship. Having graduated from the University of California Santa Barbara with a Communication degree, he has worked in marketing and ecommerce for over 8 years. He loves to educate and teach audiences about tips for dropshipping and social media marketing.
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Wumpini 4 years ago

Reading and jogging

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