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Promoting Your Facebook Page: What Can Go Wrong? [8 Oh No’s And How To Fix Them]

By Diana С.

Promoting A Facebook Page: Common Mistakes And Ways To Fix Them

What should you consider when you’re promoting the Facebook business page? Below, you’ll find the most common mistakes that can become a real obstacle for getting a trustworthy Facebook page full of subscribers who are happy to buy from you. 

Is it okay to start running ads if you don’t have enough subscribers on Facebook?

This one of the most frequent questions I receive from new dropshipping store owners curious about promoting their Facebook Page and advertising in general. You’re probably interested in the answer, too? It’s elementary, actually: it won’t hurt to have some subscribers first, indeed! How?

I’m sure that you’ve already tried doing something to promote your FB page, and published some posts at least. But to create a nice, loyal, and engaged audience of subscribers centered around your store on Facebook, you need to do something more than just running ads and publishing posts from time to time.

And what are the things you SHOULDN’T do if you want to promote your business on Facebook successfully? Read on and take note of the most serious mistakes you can make while boosting your followers’ audience!

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Rules of promoting a Facebook page: 8 things you should avoid at all costs

Go through this list carefully and make sure you’re NOT doing any of this while promoting your Facebook page!

#1 Playing it safe

You probably already know the types of posts you are good at, the ones your audience likes the most, and the ones you basically can count on.

Maybe, these are product posts where you tell why this or that product is great and how it can solve your customer’s problem. Or maybe, these are general posts showcasing your dropshipping store assortment. Perhaps, these are the easy-to-digest entries automatically generated for you by Social Rabbit

In any case, it’s time to get out of your comfort zone if you want to boost your followers’ count and engagement rate! Don’t stick to one type of posts — experiment with the content! The abundance of post formats will definitely get the viewers’ attention, keep your audience pleasantly surprised, and make them look forward to your further posts.

Here are some of the new post types you should try:

  • Infographics
  • Product video reviews you film with the products by yourself
  • Unboxing videos where you open the package and review its contents
  • Helpful informative posts related to your store’s niche
  • Gifs
  • Polls
  • Videos
  • Promo codes and flash sales
  • Questions that you ask your audience to answer in the comments
  • Quizzes
  • Social proof pieces

See more ideas for your posts in this article – there’s literally an idea for every day of the year (365 in total)!

#2 Keeping your brand voice inconsistent

A meme illustrating inconsistency, which is a common issue of promoting a Facebook page

Every online store should have its distinctive branding and concept. So, go for it with your every post, transmit your idea to the community, and make sure that your branding message is consistent.

What do we mean by this? Let’s look at the examples!

  • If you choose to go only for greenish colors in your feed, don’t make posts in bright red. Getting used to your posts in a certain color, your audience starts associating it with your brand. That is great for increasing brand awareness and making your brand recognizable.
  • If you have a dropshipping store dedicated to eco-friendly products, don’t sell plastic straws (which actually pollute the planet A LOT). Some go-green-activists will definitely make some comments on that in the comments sections, and that won’t be a very pleasant experience for you and your brand.
  • “Indulge in luxury hi-tech experience with this glamorous top-notch phone” and “Guuurl, this phone is dope” – make sure the tone of your messages doesn’t differ THAT much! Work on developing a certain brand voice depending on who your target audience is.

Many online businesses underestimate the importance of their Facebook Page appearance & contents. This is unacceptable: it’s a part of their company which should reflect the same personality as the business itself.

#3 Running no ads. Literally no ads!

“I don’t have any traffic on my site and no followers on social media, I don’t know what to do.” You see, life is not all cakes and ale! If you don’t do paid ads, there’s a very small chance people will willingly come to your site/pages on social media (unless you’re some hard-working SMM expert making genius posts and content).

So my advice is to go and run some ads. Talking about promoting a Facebook page in particular, Page Likes ad objective can come in really handy. It will help you promote your dropshipping store’s Facebook page and inspire people to follow it.

You can read instructions by Facebook on how to launch such ad campaigns here.

#4 Acting unapproachable

A meme illustrating being ghosted in a conversation, which is a common mistake of promoting a Facebook page

Nowadays people usually chat with businesses on the platforms where they used to spend most of the time. If they love browsing Facebook, it’ll be very convenient for them to contact you there. So get ready for it!

Answer your prospective customers’ messages, chat with them in the comments, let them know that you’re ready to help and don’t make them wait for your reply for weeks! They should see there’s a real person behind your business.

Besides being a party that keeps communication going, you can also be the one who starts it. Don’t forget about publishing interactive content on your Facebook page – live(ly) conversation with your audience will help to grow their attention and loyalty to your brand.

According to our experience, people really like it when they’re asked to express their opinion on things, answer some questions or tell about things they love. So keep it in mind when creating your posts.

#5 Having the ‘buy-buy-buy’ attitude

I’ve seen many Facebook pages of dropshipping stores, and do you know what ruins the first impression for me most of the time? The fact that there are only sale-oriented posts telling about the products.

But what’s so bad about it? Shouldn’t you publish selling posts dedicated to the products you sell?

Well, let’s look at it from this angle: do you usually read store catalogs attentively – I mean, the ones that showcase the store products and nothing more? As a rule, you just look through the store assortment casually and put the catalog away (most of the time – without buying anything from it!). See what I mean?

People can easily browse through your product assortment on your site. The reason they come to your Facebook page is to see something more than that. So keep in mind that you should have some entertaining/informative/interactive content on your page – otherwise it will look like your brand cares only about getting purchases & money, not about customers.

#6. Dumping automation & external tools

A meme illustrating the importance of using automated solutions for Facebook pages promotion

What can be better than a machine when it comes to, let’s say, publishing giveaway results at 7 PM sharp? You can get stuck in traffic and not be able to make it on time, but an automated tool won’t let you down!

Yes, you can do lots of stuff yourself, but wouldn’t it make your life easier if you delegate all the scrupulous work to some AI and automation tools? With them, you can enjoy more free time — and invest it into promotional ideas generation and your marketing strategy development!

Here are the automated solutions we can recommend:

  • Facebook Business add-on – generate product feed and add products to your Facebook shop in a snap!
  • Social Rabbit – let this tool generate posts with the pics from your product gallery on autopilot, create posts about your products (with links!) and publish scheduled posts from the Planner.
  • Sellika – don’t worry about SEO-friendly product descriptions as this AI software will create them for you!

#7. Posting irregularly

A brand looks professional and trustworthy if it publishes posts regularly. It’s that simple.

People tend to buy from brands they trust. So the more often they see your posts in their feed, the more they get used to you, and the more eager they become to buy from your store.

To keep your posting consistent, think about content in advance. No-no, don’t even think that you’ll be able to routinely generate quality posts every day! We believe in you, but inspiration tends to burn out.

Instead, it’s best to prepare posts in advance and schedule them – e.g. in Social Rabbit Planner or with Facebook’s post scheduling function.

#8. Setting unachievable goals

A meme illustrating work-life balance issues that business owners can face

Don’t work too hard and don’t become obsessed with making everything perfect. Probably, it’s our worst advice 🙂 But it’ll definitely help you to breathe freely.

Judging by the recent trends, a casual attitude is warmly welcomed by the audience. So there’s no reason to work on an image of a post for hours trying to make it even better. Keep in mind that a simply nice picture will do, and you still have to give time to other aspects of promotion on social media.

Promoting a Facebook page: 3 tips to start following today

So, what about ‘proper’ advice? 🙂 Let’s go through the things that should definitely become a part of your Facebook page promotion strategy!

Tip #1. Keep an eye on your page analytics

You will benefit from it so much, especially when your ads are running! To run your campaigns successfully, you should target your ads at the right audience. So, to learn their age, gender and location, go to: your store Facebook Page > Insights > People.

In the Insights section, you’ll also see the Page Summary (some charts showing the dynamic of the number of actions people take on your FB page, Page Views, Page Likes, etc), Post Reach metric, performance of your posts, and more.

Tip #2. Fill out your page profile

It sounds obvious, but many businesses underestimate the importance of a user-friendly & informative profile.

The details you definitely should add to your dropshipping store’s Facebook profile are:

  • Your website URL address
  • Description that tells about your business, its mission, statement, and goals
  • Facebook Cover – it won’t hurt to make it animated!
  • Profile picture
  • Offers – add some nice discount for your followers
  • Call-to-action button that encourages the followers, for example, to visit your site

Tip #3. Try to get customers’ reviews & appear in search results

People are gradually getting accustomed to using Facebook as a search engine. So, to make your dropshipping store appear in the search results, try to think about the search terms people will choose to find your business and add those keywords to your product description.

In order to be found and noticed, do your best to collect as many positive reviews as possible. Users usually look for the most recommended brands!

Well, that’s it, and it’s time for you to take action! Make your store Facebook page a real beauty, and you’ll see how people appreciate such a professional approach. Promoting business on Facebook is not easy, but it’s definitely exciting, rewarding, and sometimes even fun! See it for yourself 😉

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By Diana С.
Diana is a seasoned Internet Marketing Specialist who loves to explore new selling techniques, help customers promote their stores, and share all that experience with you!

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