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Looking For An Ecommerce Store For Sale? These Are Our Top-Performing Businesses!

By Timur Y.

Looking for an ecommerce store for sale? Here are our best-performing dropshipping stores you can purchase!

Any business idea requires time to pick up steam. That’s why buying a business is a good way to start. If you’re looking for an ecommerce store for sale, pay attention to AliDropship’s most successful Established stores – The Auto Merch and Cheery Kid.

Starting an ecommerce business is in many ways similar to launching a traditional business. One needs to choose a niche, manufacture products or buy them from a wholesaler, hire specialists, etc. All of it requires work and investments. But the trickiest part is that there’s no guarantee your efforts will pay dividends.

Even experienced entrepreneurs may face challenges when starting a new project. If you’re new to ecommerce, there are lots of things you should learn to create an easy to run business that can beat competitors and make enough money to grow.

From this viewpoint, dropshipping suits newcomers better than other business models. Still, it doesn’t mean dropshipping doesn’t require skills and experience.

That’s why AliDropship offers Established dropshipping stores, launched and developed by our team of skilled experts. Unlike newly made websites, these are online stores with a proven track record that have already achieved an impressive performance.

These online businesses are built around moneymaking niches and products that are highly popular among buyers. They are targeted at the most fitting audiences with the proper ad campaigns. And they bring profit! By purchasing one of AliDropship’s established stores, you can become a full owner of a profitable dropshipping business in a moment.

In this article, I’m going to tell you about two of our most successful Established stores – The Auto Merch and Cheery Kid.

The Auto Merch

Monthly revenue: $523,000+


Niche and products

This ecommerce store for sale sells useful products for car owners such as car organizers, accessories, repair supplies and cleaning tools.

As you can see, this list doesn’t include technically sophisticated parts or devices. Few people would agree to buy such stuff online. Instead, the store focuses on useful tools and simple accessories. Such goods are easy to ship and hard to break during transportation.

At the same time, the usefulness of these products is what makes The Auto Merch successful.

Most sales come from advertising. When you advertise a product, your goal is to convince people that they actually need the product. But when you sell something useful, there’s no need to do it! Simply show how easily your product cleans snow from windows in a short video ad, and car owners will gladly follow the link to your site.

If you purchase The Auto Merch, you will get all the product data on the site, product pages, descriptions and wholesalers’ contacts.

Target audience

Often it takes at least several weeks and a lot of investments to define the target audience of a new ecommerce store. Even when you think the image of your ideal customer is clear, there are many nuances you might not be aware of. That’s why one has to spend considerable sums to test audiences.

AliDropship’s team has been actively promoting The Auto Merch for more than a year. They’ve done dozens of tests, tried various strategies, and now the store is targeted at the best-converting audience which draws more than 102,000 unique visitors each month.

When you buy this online business, you won’t have to repeat all these tests. Instead, you’ll have pre-tested audiences to target.

Advertising materials

The success of The Auto Merch wouldn’t be possible without creating and using efficient ads. But ads also require testing.

The team has been experimenting with different ad designs, just like with target audiences – mostly on Facebook and Instagram. By now they have selected the best-converting materials, and they’ll be yours when you purchase this Established Store.

Moreover, by using these ads as examples, you’ll be able to create new ads to promote new products. Here you can learn more about The Auto Merch.

Cheery Kid

Monthly revenue: $49,000+

The monthly revenue of Cheery Kid, our dropshipping store for sale

Niche and products

Although this ecommerce store for sale was launched in September 2020, it quickly became AliDropship’s second most successful dropshipping store. It sells products for babies, little children and their parents. Some of these goods are useful, but the most popular products are able to evoke strong emotions. And this is one of the secrets behind its success.

For example, you can’t always sell a toy by simply saying it’s useful. Instead, you appeal to emotions. When potential buyers see an ad demonstrating a super cute toy, they just want it. As long as there’s nothing serious that makes them change their minds (like high price or shipping cost), such products trigger impulse purchases.

Target audience

The team of Cheery Kid has put a lot of efforts into analyzing the store’s target audience. Not only parents buy stuff in this dropshipping store. Grandparents, uncles and aunts as well as family friends – they all want to purchase presents for kids or something useful for mom and dad.

Advertising materials

By purchasing Cheery Kid, you also get the full list of the marketing materials the team uses for promotion. They use mostly two ad types. The first one is ads appealing to emotions. The second one is ads appealing to how useful a product is.

The choice is defined by what product you want to promote in your current campaign.

Here you can learn more about Cheery Kid.

Why buy an Established dropshipping store?

As you can see, an Established store isn’t just a regular ecommerce store for sale. Its benefits aren’t just high quality design, pictures, banners, pre-made product descriptions and pre-installed dropshipping solutions. All components of these businesses were thoroughly tested beforehand:

  • Best-selling products (tested on different audiences)
  • Best-converting product pages and descriptions (selected after split testing)
  • Best-converting ad materials (selected after split testing)
  • High-converting target audiences (found with dozens of tests)
  • Proven marketing and remarketing strategy (tested during years of practice)

Moreover, if you purchase The Auto Merch or Cheery Kid, you will become a sole owner of these dropshipping stores. After that, you can change the stores in any way you like, add and remove products, create new ads – in other words, develop the businesses according to your own vision.

A pre-tested ecommerce store for sale gives you a competitive advantage over other dropshipping websites. You will start your journey with a ready-made website, a list of top-selling goods, efficient marketing materials, clear target audiences and the profit your store yields.

By Timur Y.
Timur holds a Ph.D. in Philology and works as a senior copywriter at AliDropship. He's been writing articles on ecommerce and dropshipping for more than 3 years and is keen to create easy-to-read educational content for ecommerce newcomers and beginners in dropshipping.
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REGAN NCHANG CHE 4 years ago

How much is this shop?

Timur Yuldashev 4 years ago

Hello, Regan. Thank you for your interest. The prices for these two stores change because of their constantly growing profits. To learn how much exactly they cost right now, you need to consult our managers. Simply click on GET FREE CONSULTATION on the stores’ pages:

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