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Product Page SEO Optimization That Generates $10,000 Per Month

By Olga G.

Product Page SEO Optimization

We will never get tired of repeating that search engine optimization (SEO) is the first thing you have to do in order to drive more targeted traffic to your ecommerce store. If you properly optimize all the product pages and website categories once, you will regularly get free traffic from different search engines. Only after that, you can start promoting your store on social media or with PPC ads: Product Page SEO is the foundation of ecommerce.

To start with, we need to determine the meaning of some basic words.

A product page is a unique page of any product in your online store, which includes a detailed product description, its features, price, shipping options, customer reviews, etc. The more valuable information it contains, the better it is for customers, search engines, and for your ecommerce store.A keyword is a query that users type into the Google search box when trying to find a particular item. You can enter the name of the product in the search field on your own and see what options the search engine offers. We also recommend you to go to Amazon or eBay and look at the product names of your competitors.

How product page SEO lets us make up to $10,000 per month

We use our dropshipping stores to test the latest SEO trends and describe the most successful ones in our blog.

After several years of hard work, we came to the conclusion that getting organic traffic from search engines has to become our primary goal.

First, it has a better conversion rate than any other promotional tools such as advertising on social media or Google Shopping Ads. Secondly, it doesn’t cost us anything except our efforts and the long sleepless nights 🙂 So we have decided to concentrate all our thoughts and energy on this traffic source and make the most of it.

The process is divided into 2 phases:

  1. Adding as many products related to our web store as possible
  2. Product pages SEO – editing headlines, product descriptions, metatags, photos, and adding reviews.

Right as we expected, these activities brought the benefits very quickly (1-2 months). Thanks to the organic traffic, our store’s revenue is up to $10,000 per month, whereas Google Shopping ads bring us up to $15,000. Here, it’s important to understand that in PPC advertising, we pay for every click (even if it hasn’t been converted), while organic traffic costs us nothing.

SEO Product Page Optimization

Let’s look at the key components of the perfectly optimized product page and go through the best SEO practices step by step.

SEO for ecommerce product pages: headlines


It’s recommended to start optimizing product pages with headlines.

A perfect product name is short (5-6 words), very informative, and includes a keyword. When optimizing product names, include the following elements in them:

  1. Product type (jacket, trousers, hat,…)
  2. Colour
  3. Broad niche and/or theme (gothic, vintage, cats,…)
  4. Product usage and potential buyers (home, for girls, for a cosplay party, etc.)


  • Hair Clip – this term is very broad;
  • Sea Hair Clip –  this product name is better, but it’s still not really clear what exactly you sell;
  • Hot Sale fashion Must-Have birthday Christmas Party Gift Hair Accessory – this headline is terrible. You can see the same descriptions on AliExpress and they definitely have to be edited. This is just a bunch of words that are difficult to understand both for people and for search engines.

When writing product names, don’t forget that Google will display only the first 70 characters of a title.


Sea Shell And Star Fish Hair Clip is a very informative and understandable product name that will likely be shown to numerous people who use search queries like:

  • Sea Star Hair Clip
  • Nautic Hair Accessory
  • Sea Themed Jewelry
  • Sea Shell Hair Clip
  • Etc.

Don’t forget to edit the URL and make it identical to the headline (

SEO-friendly product page: photos

The next step is to pick and edit product photos. Along with finding high-quality photos and removing all logos, watermarks, and any other AliExpress indicators from them, you have to take care of SEO.

Google has a nice tool called Google Images that people usually use to find pictures. Your goal is to get there and thus improve your product page SEO rankings. For this purpose you need to do the following actions:

  • Use keywords in the name of your photos (flower-earrings.jpg)
  • Add ALT tags to photos (with keywords)


SEO for product page: meta-tags

The next important step is adding SEO meta-tags.

You need to focus on:

  • Title – the name of your product page, which is displayed in Google search results. It has to contain a keyword, be eye-catching, and offer something special (free shipping, 50% discount, 5$ Only, original style, etc.)
  • Description – a snippet that is displayed under the title. Here you need to describe your product with a couple of sentences and explain to people why they have to buy it from you.
  • Keywords – nowadays Google does not take this metatag into account anymore. However, it’s still recommended to write it.



Product descriptions for SEO

Writing descriptions is the most important and difficult part when optimizing product pages. A detailed and informative product description helps with SEO and boosts sales.


A great product description has to:

  • Answer the most important customers’ questions;
  • Describe the main features and advantages of your product;
  • Explain how to choose a size;
  • Provide comprehensive information about shipping.


If you follow these tips, there is a great chance to convert your website visitors into buyers. Besides that, if you add a video to your product description, you will increase the conversion rate significantly.

Needless to say that your product description has to contain keywords. However, they don’t necessarily have to be very specific. Look for keywords that are somehow related to your niche.

Ecommerce product page SEO: customer reviews

Customer reviews that you can upload with our AliDropship plugin are very useful.

They have 2 main goals:

  1. Boost sales and improve the customers’ loyalty to your ecommerce store in general and to the specific items in particular;
  2. Promote your store and enhance the amount of relevant content on your website. Google likes relevant content, so your website’s rankings will increase.

You have to regularly upload reviews from AliExpress and give your customers the opportunity to leave their own feedback after buying from your store. Actually, you can edit all reviews by adding keywords or translating them into your language, but we do not recommend doing something like this very often. You can easily lose the trust of your clients.


SEO for eсommerce category pages

One more thing you need to focus on is related to the basic SEO settings.

You can get to the top of Google search not only with one product page but with a whole product category if you optimize it properly.

Do you want to get to the top of Google? Here is a list of SEO tips that help you optimize your product categories on a professional level:

  1. Make short and clear product category names. Use keywords and the H1 tag.
  2. Add the Title, Description, and Keywords meta-tags. Follow the above-mentioned tips.
  3. Write a short (!) text with keywords for every product category. Frankly speaking, this way of promotion is slowly dying, because it is not related to the users’ experience. However, until it works, we need to use it.
  4. Write the product names according to all SEO rules. The product names are probably the only content element on this page, and according to it, Google makes decisions if this page is relevant to the search query or not. That’s why you have to include the category name in the product name.


SEO for product pages: mobile optimization

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our everyday life. So much so, that people are already accustomed to using them for their daily shopping needs.

For your understanding, in 2021 mobile sales made up 72.9% of all ecommerce sales worldwide. So, it is crucial to properly organize mobile product page optimization.

Moreover, with optimized SEO ecommerce product pages, your content will load up faster, which in turn will provide a better user experience. In addition, it helps increase sales, revenue, and pages per session, and ultimately provides the opportunity to one-up your competition.

Here’s a great example of a great mobile-optimized product page.


Everything is simple to use and understandable. The page loads up extremely fast (click here to see for yourself!), which helps retain potential customers and provide a better user experience.

Remember, no one likes to wait! People expect a lightning-fast load up when clicking on a page, and so does Google.

Set up a FAQ page section

You may be wondering “how does a FAQ page help my SEO optimization?” Well, you’re about to find out.

If you’re not able to provide your customer with an answer to their question, they’ll simply go look somewhere else, most likely, to your competitors. As you might have guessed already, a well set-up and optimized FAQ page can make sure that doesn’t happen.

Your FAQ is the key to providing your customers and search engines with all the information they might need about your business. FAQ pages can potentially:

Shorten your customers’ buying journeysometimes consumers don’t want to go the extra mile to contact your support team, wait for an answer, or not even get any. Rather, they want to have the answers right in front of them they can quickly access.

Build a trusting relationshipby displaying your shipping processes, shipping policies, and overall being transparent with your site users will encourage them to trust your brand a lot more. And if your visitors trust you, so will Google.

Establish a more efficient sales funneltry including your businesses’ competitive advantages showcasing what makes you better than your competitors.

Improve your website’s internal linking 

Capture more search visibility opportunities 

Having high-quality content that meets the needs of your potential customers is key for ranking high in search engines. Essentially, if your brand manages to build an FAQ section with the answers to the most common user questions that are easy to find – it will help the brand sell more products.

Don’t remove seasonal pages

Even many major brands tend to struggle with the problem of removing a seasonal page once the peak season is over.

If you have a product page that is seasonal and it has built up rankings, traffic, and sales over time, do not get rid of it. At first glance, it seems reasonable to remove a page that has served its purpose and isn’t going to do much for you for the rest of the year. Nevertheless, if you do decide to get rid of it, next year you will have to reestablish your site’s ranking in the search engines all over again.

That’s just a lot of extra unnecessary work. When the season approaches, simply update the necessary page.

Incorporate long-tail keywords

When you start working on your SEO plan, the first thing you need to do is complete keyword research.

Of course, your initial intent might be to focus on short commercial keywords, but opting for long-tail queries isn’t a bad idea either.

Even though long-tail keywords have lower search volumes, they are more specific and tend to have higher click-through rates.

But what’s more important is that long-tail search queries content long-tail search queries contain higher purchase intent. For example, if someone is searching for “iPhone 13 512 GB Starlight” instead of just “iPhone” – they are more likely to complete the purchase.

Incorporate long-tail keywords into your product page description to ensure your website shows up for them among the search engine results pages.

An internal link is any link from one page on your website to another page on your website. Both users and search engines use the links to find content on your website.

Internet users use links to navigate through your website and find the content they’re looking for. On the other hand, search engines also use links to navigate your site. However, they won’t see a page if there are no links to it. Internal links also connect your content and give Google an idea of the structure of your website

Overall, adding internal links and backlinks to your product pages can help these pages rank higher in search engines and as a result increase revenue and sales.

Now you know a lot about SEO Product Pages. So, if you have a small number of orders or your store is new – the first thing you have to do is to read this guide and do everything step by step. In addition, you need to add some new products to your store and optimize them as well.

P.S. SEO Product Page is very effective in niche stores, which is not true for general stores. That’s why we do not recommend you to create general stores for dropshipping business but focus more on specific clients’ interests. If you are not sure about your niche profitability, feel free to check it with our free tool.

By Olga G.
Olga is the head of the Search Engine Marketing department. She improves AliDropship website position in search engines, and runs Facebook and Google PPC campaigns.
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Elvin Huseynli 6 years ago

if we do seo without google ads we will get same results?

Olga G. 6 years ago

Officially, Google states there is no connection between organic search results and Google Ads advertising costs. Our experience also does not prove there is a direct corellation. Still, Google certainly considers the behavior of your site visitors. So, if paid advertising is your only source of traffic, then it’s the only element that Google can use to estimate the quality of your site. In such situations, advertising can help you improve your rankings in organic search results.

AaoKid 6 years ago

Very nice and informative.

In your article there is fields like meta titles meta keywords etc in the images. My question is that I think usually there is not such fields available to edit in just Woocommerce plugin. Thsese editable fields are available here due to AliDropship plugin??

Yaroslav Nevsky 6 years ago

These fields are also available with WooCommerce.

Jason Alvarado 6 years ago

This is a great information. I have just started my own store using AliDropship Plugin. I don’t mind waiting for months for the sales to come in. I’ll be doing these techniques and make more sales in the future for free!

Olga G. 6 years ago

Good luck!

Jorge Correro 5 years ago

Jason Alvarado How you doing currently, one year after?

Omid 6 years ago

It was a good article, But I saw you are using rich snippets on your web store that you didn’t mention it in this article. The other thing is about what kind of plugin do you use for SEO?

Do I have a question about link building, How many links you build for every product?

Olga G. 6 years ago

All of our stores are dedicated to really narrow niches. This is why their product pages get into organic search without any extra effort from our side: we only need to do the internal optimization properly. We don’t buy links at all: we just advertise the websites on social media and/or niche forums.
Theoretically, we could buy links to promote the category pages as their keywords are more competitive. But, there is no actual need to do this because the organic traffic is more than satisfying.
In our case, the much more efficient move is to spend our time and money on extensive product import (50-60 new items every week) and products’ optimization.

Sinta 5 years ago

What’s the meaning of products’ optimization, please?

Olga L. 5 years ago

It means product page optimisation – the process that is described in this article 🙂

Kaki 6 years ago

The information you provided is dedicated toward ON-PAGE SEO. What about Off-Page Activity ( Backlinks are the building blocks for SEO ). Please let us know about that as well


Olga G. 6 years ago

We don’t buy any links for our stores at all. We put all our efforts on ON-PAGE SEO and it works very well for our niches

Dee Mac 6 years ago

Olga, very good article except 1 thing…of course your site is coming up at the top of the page, because it’s a google ad and not simply organic…this should be made clear, thanks for the informative article though 🙂

Donovan Francis 6 years ago

Very informative but why recommend using Meta-Tag Keywords when all search engines just ignore it and Bing actually penalizes you.

Terry 6 years ago

Where can I get the services to perform Product Page SEO an dhow much does it cost per product SEO.
I’m interested to have AliDropship help me in this area. Thanks.

Terry Wong 6 years ago

Does AliDropship provide the product SEO service? I’m interested in getting the service, please advise me how to sign up for it. Thanks.

David 5 years ago

Excellent article, which is a pleasure to read. SEO is my priority, it would be a big waste to miss this source of traffic!

mohammed hammad 5 years ago

Hello Olga,
how can I get SEO for each product with Aliplugin woo?

Olga L. 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

If your store is based on AliDropship Woo plugin, you need to take the same actions as the ones described in this article.

Uzair Khan 5 years ago

Thanks Team

ChloeIcemi 4 years ago

For HP users, your Account is now a Subdomain which implies it no longer depends on HubPages anymore for ranking in Google.

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