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3 Simple Steps To Turn Your Passion Into Profit

By Andrey Y.

passion into profit

Are you sick and tired of your 9-to-5 job? Do you want to break out the routine and get a life? If so, this article is going to let you know how to find your vocation and turn your passion into profit.

Can you turn your passion into profit?


How do you feel about what you do for a living?

Are you passionate about it? Is it your calling?


You’re stuck in the office and keep watch on the clock until it hits the time when you can run off.

What is the thing many people believe in?

We need to pursue a career that may set us up for life even if it puts us off. We should study hard, be diligent. And hopefully, it’s going to pay off.

But… is it really so?

Time is precious. Who wants to spend it behind the desk doing what they hate and enriching other people?

A guy named Matt was one of those whose answer to this question would be “I don’t”. He wanted to follow his passion. The problem was, he was keen on family sitcoms, cartoons, comics and so on. As people usually call it, he was messing around.

Doesn’t seem like something you can turn into profit, does it?

Teachers at school kept telling him to stop wasting time and get his act together. Sounds familiar, right?

Of course! Many of us face the same reproach during our youth.

However, unlike most people, Matt didn’t follow the advice. He didn’t bury himself in studying law, banking, etc.

Instead, Matt went on with what he liked. He started drawing comics and making up stories.

After having moved to Los Angeles, he created a comic book “Life in Hell”. Soon, it became quite popular and caught the eye of a Hollywood producer.

Matt got an offer to create a short animated skit for a TV show. That was the moment when his passion for family sitcoms found an outlet.

His idea for the cartoon was an average American family – mom, dad and three children. He named the characters after members of his own family, and in 1987, the skit was on the air for the first time.

The success was instant and it evolved into the most long-running animated TV show in history – The Simpsons.

This story is a shining example of a lucky man who managed to turn his passion into money.

The good news is that you’re even luckier. You don’t need to wait for a producer or other stroke of fortune to pull it off.

The Internet has broken the mold.

Today, you can take matters into your own hands and turn your passion into profit.


Well, let’s find it out!

How to turn your passion into profit: the action plan


1. Figure out what you really like

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

The first and most difficult step to turn your passion into profit is to understand yourself.

What do you really like?

To figure it out, you need to think of what you enjoy doing in your spare time.

If you have a talent for singing, dancing, drawing, taking photos or something, it’s not a big problem.

But what can you do if you’re an ordinary person? Does it mean that you’ve got no passion?

Of course, it does not!

You may love travelling, watching Netflix or YouTube, reading and many other things. That’s what you like, isn’t it?

The next thing you need is digging a bit deeper. Find out what exactly you enjoy drawing or watching on YouTube, what books, articles or music make you thrill and so on.

In other words, create a list of your interests.

2. Find your niche

When you’ve got the list of your interests in front of your eyes, it’s time to connect the dots. Put simply, you need to choose a niche for your future venture.

You should come up with one that could catch the attention of many people. Otherwise, you won’t be able to turn it into profit.

How can you make sure of it?

Well, you need to carry out a research. In other words, you should weigh up the options you’ve got and make the choice.

For this, the Internet provides you with all the necessary tools. For instance, you can go to the websites like Reddit, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.

There, you could play around with your ideas. Find accounts and communities related to your interests and figure out how many people follow them, what they’re concerned about, what you could offer to solve their problems and so on.

Another great way to size up your niche potential is using Google Trends. You can read this article to learn more about it.

3. Make use of the digital business tools

Have you ever dreamed of having a superpower?

Most likely, you have.

The beauty of the Internet is that you can get it there. Indeed, the opportunities the Internet opens up allow you to go beyond the limits.

People used to go to great lengths to start a venture they were passionate about.

How many obstacles did you need to overcome for getting the attention of masses and speak your mind when the Internet wasn’t around? Let alone launching your own business.

You had to spend a lot of time, effort and money to achieve your goals. It seemed to be impossible without a superpower.

The Internet was a game-changer.

Want to show off your talent and win people’s hearts and minds?

You are welcome! The Internet gives you this opportunity. You can easily create your blog, YouTube channel, Instagram account, etc.

Want to start your own business and sell goods?

You can pull it off in a blink of an eye with the e-commerce tools like AliDropship plugin. You don’t need to have a lot of money to start it, rent warehouses to store the products and hire staff to manage the process. The software takes over the better part of the job.

How can you make people know about your business or blog?

Easily. The Internet provides you with plenty of marketing channels. And you don’t need much money and knowledge to use them.

So, the only thing you should do after discovering your interests and picking the niche is to choose the way to monetize it with the digital business tools.

You can turn your passion into profit by starting a dropshipping store and selling products.

Or, you can start a blog, gain popularity and join some affiliate program, become an influencer or sell ad space on your website.

As you can see, there are more than enough options you can employ to turn your passion into profit. The choice is up to you. The Internet allows you to make your online venture thrive and enjoy doing what you love.

By Andrey Y.
Andrey has just joined AliDropship team. He’s exploring dropshipping business from the very beginning. And, he’s going to share with you the most essential things newcomers need to know.
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Kris 3 years ago

Looking to start working from home and any help would be great

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